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Code of Ethics and Business Conduct for Board of Directors
Hwang Capital (Malaysia) Berhad has in placed a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct for Directors (the “Code”). The Code is formulated to enhance the standard of corporate governance and promote ethical conduct of Directors.
Directors are required to uphold the highest integrity in discharging their duties and in dealing with stakeholders, customers, employees and regulators. Each Director must comply not only with the letter but also the spirit of the 5 principles of the Code. A summary of the 5 principles are outlined below.
1. Conflict of Interest
Directors shall:-
declare any conflict of interests;
where a conflict of interest exists or may appear to exist, the Director shall not participate in discussion, voting or otherwise influencing a decision;
not seek or accept from third parties any favour (including entertainment, gifts, corporate directorships, other business interest etc).
2. Conduct of Business and Fair Dealing
Director shall not:-
compete with the Group;
profit or assist others to profit, from confidential information or business opportunities that are available as a result of services to the Group;
influence or attempt to influence any transactions between the Group and another entity where the Director has direct or indirect interest;
take unfair advantage of any customer, supplier, competitor or other person through manipulation, concealment, misrepresentation of material facts or other unfair-dealing practice.
3. Confidentiality and Protection of Company Assets
Directors shall:-
not use the Group’s name, facilities or assets for personal advantage;
maintain confidentiality of information entrusted to them and take every precaution to protect the confidentiality of customers’ information and transactions.
4. Integrity of Records and Transactions
Directors shall ensure that:-
all transactions are properly and accurately recorded and documented;
accounting records and reports are complete and accurate and must not obscure the true nature of any transaction.
5. Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations
Directors shall:-
comply and oversee compliance by employees with laws, rules and regulations applicable to the Group;
ensure that the Group are ethical and responsible in the way they present products and services to their customers, use their market power and their pricing practices.
In addition to the Code for Directors, the Group also has in placed a Code of Conduct which binds all employees of the Group.
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